Freely adapted from Wilkie Collins's Victorian thriller, The Woman in White centers on a dashing young man, employed as the art tutor to two devoted sisters, who is stranded at a remote railway cutting. Out of the darkness looms a woman, a mysterious figure dressed in white, desperate to share a chilling secret. He and the sisters soon find themselves trapped in a web of betrayal and greed, the victims of a seemingly flawless crime. Together they will need all their resourcefulness and courage to outwit a hugely charismatic and ingenious villain. As the plot twists and turns, low villainy vies with high romance in a world where nothing is as it first appears and where it is impossible to know who to trust.
The musical has been adapted for the stage by Charlotte Jones Humble Boy with music by Lloyd Webber and lyrics by David Zippel City of Angels, The Goodbye Girl. The West End production of The Woman in White stars Michael Crawford and Maria Friedman and is directed by Nunn, who will also helm the New York production. The Woman in White was recently nominated for five 2005 Olivier Awards including Best New Musical.
The Woman in White will play at a Nederlander Theatre on Broadway. The show's pre-Broadway engagement in Chicago will take place at the LaSalle Bank Theatre formerly the Shubert Theatre from November 15, 2005 through January 8, 2006..